Driving has become essential to most individuals, whether to go to work, drop the children off at school, grocery shopping, or carpooling other persons. For this reason, DUI in Florida, or driving under the influence of alcohol or narcotics, has been a rising concern for the Florida State Legislature. The laws concerning DUI offenses in Florida are fairly strict, and a person arrested for the first time usually requires the aid of an experienced attorney to navigate through numerous penalties imposed by the law.

A law enforcement officer needs to have a reasonable suspicion that you are in actual physical control of the vehicle and your faculties are impaired. The Blood Alcohol Concentration limit, or BAC, is set at 0.08. If an individual has a BAC higher than 0.15, the penalties are substantially increased. You may further subjected to field sobriety exercises and breath or urine testing.

As soon as you are charged with a DUI, the Florida Department of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles grants you ten days to request an Administrative Review Hearing to obtain a business purposes only license. It is extremely important to address the reinstatement of driver’s license privilege in a timely manner. The hearing allows you to present any evidence the State has against you and an additional 42 days of a temporary driving permit. Failure to request the hearing can result in a suspension of license. Furthermore, you may become eligible to obtain a hardship license, extending your driving privilege for essential activities.

Florida Trend's Legal Elite 2012 Avvo Rating 8.8 Excellent - Feature Attorney, DUI & DWI